Sponsoring a young person can be fulfilling, knowing you are helping to change someone’s life. We are offering a buddy scheme where sponsoring a child can mean fortnightly contact with a chosen member of our family of young people. This can be through a message, what’s app or face time, so you can develop a mutual connection. This enables you to experience what life is like for these young people in a fragile country and how grateful they are for your support. Videos can be shared from Sierra Leone showing the daily life of a young person, including transport, markets, food, entertainment, and their everyday home life. It will help you experience the life that others are living less fortunate to us and how resilient they are. You may also learn how their entertainment can be simple but fun, their fashions and their goals in life and how they are hoping to fulfil their dreams. Having a Buddy allows you an insight into someone else’s world whilst helping to change a young person’s life.
How this works:
Life is very different for these young people as they have no parents, they only have each other. Therefore, they love to have contact with people who are interested in them and may want to be messaging frequently. Guidelines will be in place for contact to be once a fortnight through WhatsApp, where you can ask them questions or chat to them if you feel comfortable. This may be a relationship you can develop over time. They can then send you their own videos of their daily life. This is an opportunity for you to learn about them in their country, therefore, you will not be able to share videos of life here, as it would be very unfair for them to see a more privileged lifestyle out of their reach.
There will always be a point of contact in the UK for you to ask any questions and the response will be within 24hrs. This will be a fun learning experience and a unique opportunity to get to know some very special young people.